- Overview
- PDF Presentation Overview
- History of Hispanic Heritage Council of Western New York Inc.
- Mission, Vision & Goals
- Photos & Video (on our Facebook page)
- Leadership
- Friend of Hispanic Heritage Award
- Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial
- Echando Raices: Hispanic Life & Legacy
- Terms and Definitions & Public Service Announcement
Términos y Definiciones & Anuncio de Servicio Publico
Hispanic Heritage History Project
Historia del Proyecto

This project is a strategy for engaging the community in the collection of historical data and artifacts, current events, and plans for the future. The project is being sponsored by the Hispanic Heritage Council, of Western New York, Inc. in partnership with the University at Buffalo, Buffalo Erie County Public Library and the Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society.
This endeavor is designed to tell the story of the past, present, and future of the Hispanic community in Western New York.
- Download English Project Poster
- Download Spanish Project Poster
- You can also view our information card
in either in English or in español.
Proyecto de Historia de la Hispanidad
Este proyecto es una estrategia para involucrar a la comunidad en la recopilación de datos históricos y artefactos, eventos actuales y planes para el futuro. El proyecto está siendo patrocinado por el Concilio de Herencia Hispana del Oeste de Nueva York, Inc. En asociación, sociedad o colaboración con La Universidad de Buffalo, Buffalo & Erie County Library y el Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society. Este esfuerzo está diseñado para contar la historia del pasado, presente y planes para el futuro de la comunidad hispana en el oeste de Nueva York.

Program funded by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, Administered by
Arts Services Initiative of Western New York. We're pleased to have received this certificate from the Arts Services Initiative of WNY on May 23, 2013
in "grateful recognition of valuable contributions to arts and culture..."