- Overview
- PDF Presentation Overview
- History of Hispanic Heritage Council of Western New York Inc.
- Mission, Vision & Goals
- Photos & Video (on our Facebook page)
- Leadership
- Hispanic Heritage History Project
- Friend of Hispanic Heritage Award
- Echando Raices: Hispanic Life & Legacy
- Terms and Definitions & Public Service Announcement
Términos y Definiciones & Anuncio de Servicio Publico
Links for the Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial

The Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorial Official Website

The original (April 1980) Amvets Post #58 memorial to honor all Hispanic Veterans.

Hispanic Veterans Memorial groundbreaking recognizes project that 'began in the heart of Cel Rivera' (May 27, 2024)

Ohio Hispanic Veterans Borinqueneers fundraise for Oakwood Park Memorial (Apr 21, 2024)
Lorain community leaders look to build new Hispanic Veterans Memorial (Jan 30, 2024)
Group creating Hispanic Veterans Memorial in Lorain (Sep 25, 2023)

Latino Lorain History Project dedicates story walk at Oakwood Park (Sep 17, 2023)